Roof Painting

Our Roof Painting Projects

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Metal Roof Painting Pro

If your metal roof is brand new, give it about four months to weather before calling us to paint. When your ready to paint, here’s what you need to know. 

Metal Roof Painting and Prepping 

Paint adheres best to surfaces that are completely clean, smooth and dry. As a first step, we can clean your metal roof by pressure washing with water to remove any residue or oils.

We power wash the roof just prior to painting. This will get rid of any dirt, mildew and paint chips. On occasion power washing not enough. We then use scrapers and sandpaper to clean and smooth out the roof’s rough surface.

We Apply The Best Paint

First we, make sure to order paint that’s specifically designed for metal roofs in your chosen color. For both unpainted and painted roofs, acrylic latex is a good paint choice. We can also use oil-based paint. Whatever the paint choice, we start with a coat of high-quality primer designed for metal surfaces. Our best advice don’t scrimp on the cost of either the paint or the primer – your finished result will show it if you do.

We know the best specialty paints for metal that include ingredients that resist water and fire and even repel small animals and insects. When shopping for paint, ask about types that will keep your home cooler by reflecting the sun’s UV rays. A lot of different mixtures of paint are available today for metal roofs that bring specific benefits, so we shop well and buy a paint that best suits your needs.

Roof Painting By Hand

Our preparation and paint-selection are the most critical jobs in painting your metal roof. Applying the paint is fairly straightforward for professional painters.

We basically have two choices, like with most other painting projects: roller and brush, or sprayer. We use rollers and brushes made to be used on corrugated metal and we take our time.

Applying The Roof Paint

When using an airless sprayer will make quick work of your paint job and is particularly recommended if your roof has steep pitches. With a sprayer, you can use extension arms to get to areas that might be dangerous or difficult to get to with a roller or brush.

The drawback when we spray is we can’t spray in the wind. If we use a sprayer on a windy day, not only will we likely paint other parts of your home and property, you probably will be getting a visit from irate neighbors.

Finally, if you like either of these painting methods, contract our professional painters, who have the tools and expertise to do a fantastic job.

Good Roof Maintenance

Once-a-year cleaning should be all you need to keep your newly painted metal roof looking great for years. Roof Cleaning Services Available.

Why Paint Pro Painting?

Get A Free Quote

Contact us today for a free, no-hassle quote for our professional roof painting services. Our team will explain the benefits of our proven roof painting system for the perfect paint job every time.

We look forward to improving your home with you.

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